Thursday, April 16, 2015

New Force Awakens Trailer gives me hope.

I'm starting to get excited. The best of the original six movies was The Empire Strikes Back, which was also the Star Wars film with the least input of George Lucas as others took over both script and direction. I honestly think he's like Gene Roddenberry, stronger in conception than execution and I think Abrams will be more in sync with Lucas's universe than he was with Roddenberry's.


  1. And how do you feel about the force awakens now? It literally crushed any hope that I had left for the Star Wars franchise strangled it right out of me. One of the biggest pieces of dogshit films I've ever seen so much potential blown on a rehashing of a new hope

  2. And how do you feel about the force awakens now? It literally crushed any hope that I had left for the Star Wars franchise strangled it right out of me. One of the biggest pieces of dogshit films I've ever seen so much potential blown on a rehashing of a new hope


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